Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cash Flows in Relation to The Investment Proposal

Question: Incomes in Relation to The Investment Proposal. Answer: Harry Hill is thinking about supplanting an old machine with another one. The incomes according to the venture proposition are introduced beneath: 0 1 2 3 4 5 Reserve funds $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 Loss of existing deals ($10,000) ($10,000) ($10,000) ($10,000) ($10,000) Devaluation ($54,000) ($54,000) ($54,000) ($54,000) ($54,000) Benefit before charge $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 Assessment @ 30% $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 Benefit after assessment $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 income from tasks $65,200 $65,200 $65,200 $65,200 $65,200 Starting speculation - $2,42,000 Terminal incomes $70,000 Net income from tasks - $2,42,000 $65,200 $65,200 $65,200 $65,200 $1,35,200 Cost of capital @ 10% 1 0.909 0.826 0.751 0.683 0.621 Present estimation of incomes - $2,42,000 $59,267 $53,855 $48,965 $44,532 $83,959 Working Notes: Starting Investment Cost of Machine $3,20,000 Increment in working capital $27,000 after assessment continues from offer of old machine $1,05,000 Starting Investment $2,42,000 After Tax continues from old Machine Unique expense $2,80,000 yearly devaluation $28,000 Current book esteem $1,40,000 Continues from deal $90,000 Misfortune on special $50,000 Assessment on misfortune at a bargain $15,000 Continues from deal after assessment $1,05,000 Devaluation on new machine Cost of machine $3,20,000 Incentive after devaluation $50,000 Depreciable sum $2,70,000 Devaluation $54,000 Terminal Cash Flow Offer of machine $40,000 Current book esteem $50,000 Misfortune at a bargain $10,000 Duty on misfortune $3,000 after duty continues from deal $43,000 Return of working capital $27,000 Terminal income $70,000 The NPV of the task = Sum of limited income beginning speculation = 290578 242000 = $48578 Since the NPV is sure, consequently the organization ought to proceed with the proposition of buying the new machine. A positive NPV implies the advantages from the task is more than the expense of the undertaking.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Global Branding

Global Branding Global Branding Home›Marketing Posts›Global Branding Marketing PostsThe term brand is used to connote a specific approach, symbol or sign that is unique to a particular product or service. In light of this, a brand is an identification tool that is in marketing in a bid to identify a certain product or service in the marketplace.  This helps in the easier recognition of products from companies in a bid to curtail competition. In most cases, branding in the corporate world has been directed to the selection of colors as a brand. For example, the beverage company Coca Cola is widely attributed to its red and white brand colors. This amicably alienates it from competition from other beverage companies since its clients easily are acquainted with their products.According to Randall (2000 p.2) branding is essentially the process whereby business enterprises and companies embark on a path to innovatively shield themselves from competition in the market by incorporating their brand an d consumer insight in their products. For example, coming up with colors and logos that geared towards helping their clientele base to differentiate original and counterfeits and also their competitors’ products and services.In the spirit of globalization, the world has turned itself to a global village thus the business sector has extensively widened to cover global markets. In this regard, the term global branding was fronted.Randall (2000 p.121) further asserts that global branding is the systematic change by corporate market players to ostensibly incorporate themselves to the foreign markets for competition. Global branding, therefore deals with the effective application of the brand symbol to all products across the globe for easier identification by the customers. For example, the Coca Cola Company extensively uses global branding to capture its niche market across the globe. This means that their customers can easily identify their products regardless of their products.Howe ver, international brands should not be confused with global brands. International brands are only recognized in several nations unlike global brands that have penetrated the global market and are universally distributed. This implies that global brands are found in every nation state across the world. In this regard, the positioning of a brand in the global arena is geared towards the realization of broader market base and also maximization of profits. All in all, the global branding is hindered by various factors including language barriers, different import export regulation across nations and also political and economic stability of target market geographies.Global branding (Cato 2001 p.13) is divided into two mega categories to effectively bring out the meaning. They include global societal persuasion branding and global commercial persuasion branding. In global societal persuasion branding the presence of powerful beliefs systems represented by recognizable names is primarily intended to provoke emotional responses thus providing motivational commitment and action. This helps in the construction of brand loyalty.On the other hand, global commercial persuasion branding is a process that is aimed at provoking emotional responses in a bid to realize the motivation to sell products and services for commercial gains.Ways in which Global branding is hampered by language differencesUniversalityGregory and Wiechmann (2002 p.37) argues that language is predominantly the worse barrier for global branding. This is because of the dynamic characteristic of language. In light of this, language as an essential tool for brand marketing serves an integral role in the realization of business goal. For example, although English is a widely used language across almost all demographics, it is a hindrance to global branding since it is not entirely used in all regions. It is for this reason that it derails the success of global marketing.Reduced niche market and profitsGlobal branding as an effective marketing tool is largely hampered by language differences culminating in low turnovers. This implies that lack of understanding of language used in global brands triggers competition from local brands. In light of this, consumers turn to products and services that they effectively comprehend leaving out global products since they are unable to understand the language used thus reducing the profit margins of global brands in the competitive markets.  For example, an American automobile called ‘Nova’ has had troubles with marketing in Mexico because ‘no va’ means ‘doesn’t go’ in Spanish. This explains the ways in which global branding is hampered by language differences. Language differences give amicable room for proliferation of distortion of the intended message. For example, the intended message by the brand is wrongly interpreted by the consumers.CarrierLanguage (Munch 2001 p.150) is used as key determinant of a persons’ way of life, be liefs and traditions. In light of this, the incorporation of language helps in global branding. However, it can also play a significant role in hindering global branding. This implies that the clientele base only associates themselves with a product or service that uses their language. For instance, using the hip-hop music language that is vulgar helps a business meet its goal. In light of this, the language is either instrumental or detrimental to the success of the business company. Language hampers global branding in the event that the language used is decoded differently across the market scoop. For example, a certain English word might be perceived differently by consumers. This implies that the usage of language in global branding should be decisive not to alienate clientele base. In this regard, the language hampers global branding as it segregates the clientele.This means that the clientele base reduces massively as a result of language barrier and differences in meaning. Ho wever, this hindrance serves as a wake-up call for global brand managers to effectively come up with universally acceptable language connotations aimed at not only profit maximization but also consumer numbers increment. Moreover, lack of understanding reduces brand loyalty among the consumers who in response turn to other complimentary products and services. This implies that they turn to other products that are similar in use. For example, consumers turning to other soft drinks at the expense of the multinational Coca Cola Company. The loyalty shift impacts negatively on the company’s turnovers.PortrayalLanguage use in global marketing serves as an analytical tool for the company. This implies that language used by the various companies in the global arena effectively furnish the clientele with vital information about the multinationals. For example, language use segregates consumers across economic lines. Use of language filled with heavy vocabulary alienates consumers. This im plies that consumers assume the selective exposure and retention modes of behavior.In light of this, consumers of products position themselves to the products they easily understand and brands they are confident with in relation to language.Communication technology The rise and rise of information communication technology arguably changed the language platform for the better. This implies that the use of communication technology tools such as social networking sites is leading to not only language inconsistency but also digital divide. For example, global branding has resulted to communication technology tools such as Facebook to advertize their products and in the process acquiring new language that does not conform to the needs of all niche market. In light of this, the incorporation of such language in global branding may be vulnerable to other consumers as a result of digital divide. This implies that not all individuals are aware of such changes. For instance, selling a Nokia h andset with Facebook might not ringer sense to an old adult who neither uses Facebook nor uses handsets in the first place.ConclusionAs stated above, language is a critical ingredient in the design and final approach to branding. In this regard, the concerned parties such as brand managers should effectively realize the impacts both negative and positive on language in the formation of brands. This will amicably help in realizing the multinational’s goals, mission and vision. Moreover, the effective language use will have considerable impacts on the profit margins of the company and also play a significant role in either reducing or increasing their clientele numbers. For example, poor global branding negatively affects a company’s profits.In conclusion, it is only wise for global brand managers to try as much as possible to remain unique and specific in their overall objective of remaining at the top of the competitors. All in all, adherence to national laws by multinationals i s vital for success.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Simplest Formula From Percent Composition

This is a worked example chemistry problem to calculate the simplest formula from the percent composition. Simplest Formula from Percent Composition Problem Vitamin C contains three elements: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Analysis of pure vitamin C indicates that the elements are present in the following mass percentages: C 40.9H 4.58O 54.5 Use the data to determine the simplest formula for vitamin C. Solution We want to find the number of moles of each element in order to determine the ratios of the elements and the formula. To make the calculation easy (i.e., let the percentages convert directly to grams), lets assume we have 100 g of vitamin C. If you are given mass percentages, always work with a hypothetical 100-gram sample. In a 100 gram sample, there are 40.9 g C, 4.58 g H, and 54.5 g O. Now, look up the atomic masses for the elements from the Periodic Table. The atomic masses are found to be: H is 1.01C is 12.01O is 16.00 The atomic masses provide a moles-per-gram conversion factor. Using the conversion factor, we can calculate the moles of each element: moles C 40.9 g C x 1 mol C / 12.01 g C 3.41 mol Cmoles H 4.58 g H x 1 mol H / 1.01 g H 4.53 mol Hmoles O 54.5 g O x 1 mol O / 16.00 g O 3.41 mol O The numbers of moles of each element are in the same ratio as the number of atoms C, H, and O in vitamin C. To find the simplest whole number ratio, divide each number by the smallest number of moles: C: 3.41 / 3.41 1.00H: 4.53 / 3.41 1.33O: 3.41 / 3.41 1.00 The ratios indicate that for every one carbon atom there is one oxygen atom. Also, there are 1.33 4/3 hydrogen atoms. (Note: converting the decimal to a fraction is a matter of practice! You know the elements must be present in whole number ratios, so look for common fractions and become familiar with the decimal equivalents for fractions so you can recognize them.) Another way to express the atom ratio is to write it as 1 C : 4/3 H : 1 O. Multiply by three to obtain the smallest whole-number ratio, which is 3 C: 4 H : 3 O. Thus, the simplest formula of vitamin C is C3H4O3. Answer C3H4O3 Second Example This is another  worked example chemistry problem to calculate the simplest formula from the percent composition. Problem The mineral cassiterite is a compound of tin and oxygen. Chemical analysis of cassiterite shows that the mass percentages of tin and oxygen are 78.8 and 21.2, respectively. Determine the formula of this compound. Solution We want to find the number of moles of each element in order to determine the ratios of the elements and the formula. To make the calculation easy (i.e., let the percentages convert directly to grams), lets assume we have 100 g of cassiterite. In a 100 gram sample, there are 78.8 g Sn and 21.2 g O. Now, look up the atomic masses for the elements from the  Periodic Table. The atomic masses are found to be: Sn is 118.7O is 16.00 The atomic masses provide  a moles-per-gram conversion factor. Using the conversion factor, we can calculate the moles of each element: moles Sn 78.8 g Sn x 1 mol Sn / 118.7 g Sn 0.664 mol Snmoles O 21.2 g O x 1 mol O / 16.00 g O 1.33 mol O The numbers of moles of each element are in the same ratio as the number of atoms Sn and O in cassiterite. To find the simplest whole number ratio, divide each number by the smallest number of moles: Sn: 0.664 / 0.664 1.00O: 1.33 / 0.664 2.00 The ratios indicate that there is one  tin atom for every two  oxygen atoms. Thus, the  simplest formula  of cassiterite is SnO2. Answer SnO2

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Difficult Dialects Pennsylvania Dutch Essay example

Pennsylvania Dutch is one of the hardest dialects to study, and yet has an extremely interesting history as well as a significant impact on the English language of the Pennsylvania area. Study of Pennsylvania Dutch is difficult for researchers because of the scarcity of books printed in it. The language had been preserved largely by word of mouth and lacks a traceable history through written works, making it difficult to trace its development (Follin, 1929, p. 455). However, what there has been much research on is how it differs from modern German, also called High German, and also how Pennsylvania Dutch and English have mutually affected each other. Researchers can even tell which dialects Pennsylvania Dutch evolved from and whence†¦show more content†¦They used their particular dialect in everyday discourse with others from the same area, and they also knew High German so that they could interact with each other as well as in schools and churches. Soon after immigrati ng to Pennsylvania, many of these settlers had to become trilingual due to the transition from German to English in schools. Due to the prominence of both the English and High German languages, the minor dialects evolved into one dialect, one that was very similar to the Palatinate dialect because most settlers were from that area, and this formed what we now call the dialect of Pennsylvania Dutch, which has not changed much at all over the past hundred years (Buffington, A.F., 1956, p. 317). Not only is Pennsylvania Dutch a conglomeration of cultures with roots in many different geographical areas, it is part of a culture is also rich in religious traditions (Tolles, F.B., 1957, p. 130). The two major religious groups that make up the speakers of Pennsylvania Dutch are the Amish and the Mennonites, also called the sectarians and non-sectarians respectively (Fuller, J.M., 1996, p. 500). Approximately 100,000 Pennsylvania Dutch speakers are Amish, amounting to nearly one-third of the Pennsylvania Dutch population. There are also approximately 10,000 Mennonites, not including children (Moelleken, W.W., 1983, p. 174-175). The Amish and Mennonites broke into two slightly different communities of Pennsylvania Dutch. Their language differsShow MoreRelatedHow ELT Has Helped Make English the Global Language2531 Words   |  10 Pagesï » ¿How ELT has Helped Make English the Global Language Standardization of English Controversies It is not difficult to determine why English began its rise as the predominant language in the world. Britain, the progenitor of the language, once bragged that the Sun never set on the British Empire. This is true in that the empire stretched to all areas of the globe, and the nation of England had influence beyond just its possessions. Because the conquerors spoke English, many of the citizens learnedRead Morechapter 17 AP World History: the diversity of American Colonial societies2298 Words   |  10 Pagesof Peru and chile ; many gained freedom;direct slave trade changed culture to African;Europeans justified prejudicice because of differences ;west African had knowledge e of Iberia resulting in their influence Brazil’s barriers made resistence difficult Blended with European ;slave resistence included sabatoge, malingering, running away and rebellion Groups of runaway slaves called quilombos(Brazil) Palenques(Spanish) Slaves were artisans, musicians, servants, artist, cowboys, soldiers MostlyRead MoreBritish vs American English6929 Words   |  28 Pagesone of the versions. 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Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesEdition E SSAYS ON _ T WENTIETH- C ENTURY H ISTORY Edited by Michael Adas for the American Historical Association TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS PHILADELPHIA Temple University Press 1601 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Copyright  © 2010 by Temple University All rights reserved Published 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentieth century history / edited by Michael Peter Adas for the American Read MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 Pages Chapter 1 Globalization and International Linkages 5 Table 1–1 The World’s Top Nonfinancial MNCs, Ranked by Foreign Assets, 2007 (in millions of dollars) Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Company Name General Electric Vodafone Group Plc Royal Dutch/ Shell Group British Petroleum Company Plc ExxonMobil Toyota Motor Corporation Total Electricità © De France Ford Motor Company E.ON AG Home Economy United States United Kingdom Netherlands/ United Kingdom United Kingdom United States Japan France France

Religion, Poverty and Wealth Free Essays

All Christians believe that the world and everything in it have been created by God. They believe that the world is holy, special, divine, worthy of respect and honour. ‘The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters. We will write a custom essay sample on Religion, Poverty and Wealth or any similar topic only for you Order Now ‘ Psalm 24:1-2 Because ‘the earth is the Lord’s’, Christians believe they are stewards or caretakers. They should be committed to the proper management of the world and its resources. Since the earth has been delegated to people by God they have to manage it esponsibly and productively for the sake of both their own and subsequent generations. The following bible quotes tell us that everything belongs to God. God made the mountains, the sea, dry land and the skies. They also show that God’s creation reveals his greatness: ‘For the Lord is the great God ¤Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬: In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands form the dry land’ Psalm 95:3-6 Christianity teaches us that God is the God of nature, as well as of religion. God made the physical universe, sustains it, and still pronounces it good. God is interested in, nd looks after his creation. ‘God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. ‘ Genesis 1 Christians believe that God made human beings to be like himself. ‘So God created man in his own image ¤Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬: male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground. Genesis 1:27-28 Human beings are godlike beings made in Gods likeness and possessing capacities which distinguish them from the animal creation. Since God is interested in the arth, so should the Christian want to care for all that God has made. God tells man to look after the earth and Christians believe they have a responsible task in God’s plan for creation. God tells man they should care for the world and Chri stians believe that they should look atter it because ne nas given it to them. Theretore they should respect it and protect it. As well as caring for the earth, Jesus taught his followers to love God with all their heart, and to love their neighbours as themselves. In Matthew 19:16-21 Jesus told a rich, young man that if he wanted eternal life he should love his neighbour as imself, which included selling his processions and giving to the poor. Love of God cannot be separated from love for humanity. Christians try to live their lives by this rule. Christians believe they should take what they say and sing in church, in to their everyday lives, so that it affects all of their life, at home, work, school etc. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress. ‘ James 1:27 Christians should truly love their neighbours and should be concerned for their total welfare: the well being of their soul, their body, and their community. Christians look to Jesus for an example for their lives. Jesus humbled himself and became weak and vulnerable to serve people. He healed the sick, feed the hungry and was a friend to the dropouts. He said he did not come to be served but to serve. Therefore if the Christian models his or her life on Jesus, it will involve entering into other people’s worlds. Jesus was moved with compassion by the sight of needy human beings and Christians follow this example. Faith and love go together for Christians: ‘Faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action is dead ¤Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬:l will show you my faith by what I do. ‘ James 2:17-18 This implies that the Christian should show their faith by loving and serving others. ‘If anyone has material possessions and seize his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him. 1 John 3:17 These verses give an example of how Christians should lay down their lives for others – to help those in need. When Jesus was asked to define what he meant by ‘neighbour’, he told the well known parable of the good Samaritan which is found in Luke chapter 10. Jesus paints the scene of a man lying mugged by the side of a road. Two kind of r eligious leaders, a priest and a Levite pass him without stopping. The audience expect a third person to come by and help the victim who will be an ordinary layman, a fellow Jew. But Jesus surprises them. The third man is a Samaritan, an enemy. Jesus shows that loving your neighbour means acting when you meet a person in need, even it it is an enemy or an inconvenience to you. Jesus tells the people not to sit about debating who counts as your neighbour but to go out and be a good neighbour as the need arises. Christians believe that their neighbour is not Just the person who looks like them, but people of all races throughout the world who are all bound together in the human family. Jesus bases this love for enemies on the example of God. As the creator God, involved with every detail of the universe, he does not discriminate between deserving and undeserving human beings. How to cite Religion, Poverty and Wealth, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Workplace health and safety In Queensland (Australia) Essay Example

Workplace health and safety: In Queensland (Australia) Essay Effective health and safety in the working places is very essential in successful running of a business.   Ensuring that employees have the correct working environment forms the main recipe for their effective production and overall sustainability of an enterprise.   This has been necessitated by the policies frameworks and ethical demands that indicate intrinsic consideration of the employees and staff by the management and authorities (Barling, Loughlin, and Kelloway, 2002).   Application of management’s policies, strategic plans and enforcement of change being entirely dependent on the staff and employees for success, it is important to accord them the best operation platform for the same goals realization. The demand for safety in the workplaces has risen drastically since the onset of the industrial revolution prompting strict policies and regulations to guard the sanctity and integrity of the people. This essay explores Work Place Health and Safety in Queensland Australia and their effectiveness in addressing various hazards in the region.   Besides, it evaluates the present policies and legislative framework of Queensland in ensuring that the workers are fully safeguarded during their work. Background of OHS in Queensland Queensland is a state in Australia that occupies the North Eastern area of the continent.   It is the second largest state with a population of about 4.3 million by the year 2007 which represent about 20% of the total Australian population.   Like other states, the regions work place health and safety demands are guided by the central governments provisions.   Notably, the state is classified among those that have effective work place and health safety measures in Australia.   Under the Occupational Health and Safety legislation in Australia, the state has its own principle Occupational Health and Safety act that spells out the demand and standards for different groups and establishments in effecting the best working environments for the employees (Probst, 2004). We will write a custom essay sample on Workplace health and safety: In Queensland (Australia) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Workplace health and safety: In Queensland (Australia) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Workplace health and safety: In Queensland (Australia) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It gives a clear framework and a cooperative system that organizations managements are required to follow and maintain in order to guarantee the best operating environment for growth. Particularly, the management of all establishments is required to ensure that they provide safe premises for workers operations.   Besides, machineries and substances are required to be totally safe for the employees to work with.   In addition, information, instruction, and training should be given to the staff and the employees to keep them equipped with all the necessary skills for addressing emergencies for saving their lives and properties.   It is no doubt that the state has a very high value for human life a notion that has gone a long way in enhancing its last two decades tremendous growth in the country. Selected activities on OHS As indicated earlier, Queensland has set its own Occupational Health and Safety guiding policy that dictates its operations in seeking the best operating environment for the state.   Over the years, the Workplaces Health and Safety Act of 1995 has been used in Queensland to integrate into the management the best practices and systems that are necessary for maintaining the working place environment above the minimum standards.   Therefore, it employs the following systems; l   Risk management approaches that are incorporated as part of the daily running of the business. l   Consultative mechanisms between the employee’s and management in addressing different health and safety issues. l     Provision of capacity building systems programs and supervision that assist in identifying and eliminating any hazard present in the work place environments. l     Besides cooperating with the firms’ management in establishing the best methods of addressing the rising levels of new hazard, it keeps the workplaces occupational health and safety information for review at various instances to evaluate the progress in the state. Research process This research will be mainly based on the available literature to give it the ability to evaluate more information regarding Queensland application of the Occupational Health and Safety measures.   With closer evaluation of the available policies and regulations in the state, the research will look into various organizations and how they effect the same policies in the state.   Besides, it will explore the implications of the policies demands in organizations management and establish possible problems that they encounter during their application.   Notably, the paper will use human resource management theories and principles of enhancing productivity in the work place and derive recommendations for the problems that Queenslands firms face in balancing the management to get higher productivity and the demands for ideal environment for the workers (Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, 2009). Part B: Analysis l   HRM literature evaluation Over the last decade, Queensland human resources managers for different industries have had to comply with different requirements of the state in provision of the required standards for the employees at their work places.   As indicated earlier, work place safety is one of the most important steps in achieving greater productivity from the employees.   Though most of the Human resources viewed the demands for workplace health and safety provision as part of an added expense, the ideology has been assimilated by majority of the sectors and improved the overall working condition for the employees (Cooper and Phillips, 2004).   However, a large percentage have not assimilated the system up to the require standards by the rules and policies in the state.   Besides, the levels of cooperation between the government and most of the firms has been very low, a pointer that has been cited to indicate non compliance. (a) Health sector Provision of safe workplace environment is possibly most important with reference to the health sector.   Health employees are usually exposed to different infections as they attend to the patients.   This is a major health risk in that most of the diseases are highly contagious and can affect them and their families (World Health Organization, 2002).   They are also exposed to highly reactive dangerous chemicals.   Notably, high tech research institutions in major hospitals of Queensland involve use of highly reactive chemicals that are equally harmful to the researchers and the medical experts.   Employees in radiotherapy sections are exposed to high radiations that may have long term negative effects on their health (Hegney, Plank, and Parker, 2003).   To effectively address these problems, Human Resources management should understand the major implications of working in the health sector.   As indicated by the new Work Place Health and Safety regulations of 2008, it is clear that human resources managers are supposed to ensure that they provide the most effective methods for ensuring workers are completely safe in their work places. According to Part Sixteen Section 198-203, all the chemicals and hazardous substances that health centers use should be accompanied by the necessary protective precautions well indicated on their seals.   The Act also requires that all the employees be given the correct attire that prevents them from getting various contagious diseases.   As provided for by the act, new health establishments should be assessed before licenses are issued to guarantee that they comply with the legislation.   In Part Two of the same act, the design of institutions such as hospitals and health centers are supposed to be approved to ensure that they give the correct space for its activities effectively.   It also provides for monitoring of the health facilities by occupational health and safety officers to ascertain that all the regulations are adhered to. (b) Construction industry Currently, Queensland is one of the fastest growing states in Australia and with major construction industries positioning themselves at the heart of the state.   Workers in construction sites are generally exposed to high noise levels of the heavy machinery which have negative acrostic effects to them (Wangyal, 2001).   Besides, they are also exposed to excess lights especially in the welding sections.   This may cause temporary or permanent sight losses to them.   They are also exposed to high dust levels which may have cancerous effects to their upper respiratory systems.   Lifting of heavy materials may also induce spinal cord problems. The government of Queensland policy on building industry has established the Queensland code of Practice of the building and construction industry.   Under this code of conduct, the behavior and ethics for the management is outlined for ensuring maximum safety during construction operations.   To add to that, the Work Place Health and Safety regulations of 2008 requires that constructions be certified by the government authorities to verify that machineries are not dangerous to the workers.   Human resources management should provide the necessary attire that assists in reducing light, sound, and dust levels in the working sites (Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, 2009).   Most importantly, the workers are supposed to be taken through inclusive training of how they are supposed to operate without causing harm to themselves and the businesses assets. (c) Hotel industry Many hotel industry workers have suffered in their operations as the management focuses more on the outlook.   In most of the hotels, chefs and cooks are exposed to high temperatures that are harmful to their bodies especially with long term exposure (Gemmell, 2001).   Though most of the hotels are shifting to the modern forms of energy, about 90% of them still have the traditional forms of fuel being in use (Department of Industrial Relations Workplace Health and Safety, 2003).   This makes the employees to be exposed to great risks of upper respiratory infections from the carbon compounds.   To add to that, most of the workers especially the waiters spend over 80% of their working sessions standing as they serve the consumers.   This is extremely tiring and may cause poor flow of blood in their systems. Ethically, the human resources management should be able to provide the correct rotational systems to reduce physical and psychological suffering for the workers.   Besides, they should establish the correct systems for less operation hours especially for the waiters and install new machineries that are less harmful to the cooks. l   Organizations problems in addressing the problems (a) Cost Though many organizations have been willing to effect the demands of different rules and regulations, it is clear that cost is a major prohibiting factor.   Human resources for most industries in Queensland indicate that thorough preventative systems are costly to buy, install, and maintain (Lamm and Walters, 2004).   In the hotel industry, installation of electric cookers may be the best system to reduce the effects of smoke and heat to the staff.   However, such machineries are costly and consume vast quantities of electricity and therefore unsustainable to maintain.   In the construction industry, enclosed automated mixers for ballast and machinery silencers are very costly especially for the small construction companies. (b) Expertise and time Arguably, most of the occupational health and safety demands are oriented towards training and capacity building as a major building block for sustainable safety.   The Work Place Health and Safety Regulations of   2008 provides for periodical training of staff and employees. This operation is conducted by certified occupational health and safety officers who not only add cost to the production process, but may delay projects from commencements.   Human resources management considers time lost to be very costly and unrecoverable (Zohar, 2002).   Besides, organizations management may be required to employ other officers to act as experts in ensuring that the required operations of machinery or particular systems are fully operational without causing any negative effect. (c) Compensations from work injuries According to the Work Place Health and Safety regulations of 2008, it is the employees’ human rights to get the correct compensation of any injuries or harm that they get in the work places.   However, even after provision with the necessary training and the correct attire, most of the work injuries take place due to employees’ carelessness.   Even in such cases, the companies are still held responsible for the employees harm and forced to pay for the harm (Zohar and Luria, 2005). Legislative and policy framework on the state As indicated earlier, Queensland have laws in all the departments to ensure that workers operate in the best environment possible.   In 1995, the Workplace Health and Safety Act was established and reviewed in the year 2008.   Notably this legislation is the main operating framework for determining the workplace standards of environment.   Under this act, a cohesive framework to be used by organizations management is established with health and safety obligations be adhered to.   Therefore, human resources managers use this as the main guideline for developing internal standards in their organizations. Besides, the act established a health and safety board that is responsible with encouraging participation by human resources managers and workers in developing better systems of addressing issues affecting workers in the work places. To add to that, it provides for workers representatives from different organizations to bring the correct feedback on application of rules at the employees level.   This notion has especially been effective in giving correct information as it reduces possible compromises by supervisors and people in managerial positions. Of greater effect of the policy is the provision for training, monitoring and punitive measures.   This assists to ensure that the correct standards are not only understood, but intrinsically conceptualized by organizations management and workers.   Particularly, the emphasis of the high risk operations close monitoring and tougher rules indicates the weight that government puts on its people.   Though most of the human resources view these as part of the extra cost that can easily be shed off, it is wrong and law should be used to punish non compliance. Conclusion and recommendations Occupational health and safety is the most important aspect in any business establishment.   The current laws in Queensland should be applied with greater emphasis to ensure that all the employers comply with them and guarantee the best operating environment to the workers.   As indicated above most of the firms cry foul of the high cost associated with meeting the required standards.   However, success of a business is measured using a multiplicity of factors including motivation and satisfaction of the employees on the work they do.   To ensure that the working environment is improved in Queensland, human resources management should operate closely with the government to establish better methods of applying the same rules and regulations.   Besides, the government should enforce better monitoring systems that guarantee compliance with the demands of the policy at all cost (Goldenhar, Williams, and Swanson, 2003).   Finally, organizations should seek to educate the emplo yees and the public on their working rights to enable easier reporting mechanisms and effective countermeasures.